
Additional Communications Equipment

NEMSAR utilizes several methods of communications, including:

  • Nearly 30 VHF/UHF commercial grade portable radios with VSAR16 (155.160 MHz), VHF and UHF National Interoperability Channels (VTAC/UTAC) and other authorized public safety and local channels. In addition to the team’s FCC license, agreements with various entities provide wide area repeater coverage when operating in the Capital Region.
  • Six 800 MHz EDACS trunked portable radios, operating on a local system. These radios also include the 800 MHz National Interoperability Channels (8TACs).
  • Portable VHF repeater on VTAC36, including a 29 foot tripod style antenna mast for field deployment.
  • Multiple radios mounted in Support Unit 2 for field communications use. Support Unit 1, 2 and the team’s UTV all have VHF mobile radios installed at the operator’s position.
  • Multiple desktop control station radios for field command post operations.
  • 3G Verizon wireless internet hotspot.
  • IAMResponding notification and response tracking system for member activation and availability.
  • Many of the team’s members are licensed amateur (ham) radio operators and provide communications support for local public service events.